User Mapping

Simplify user management for communication channels with Gallabox's "Assign To" feature. Enhance productivity by streamlining task management and collaboration within your team.


The feature in Gallabox allows you to manage users who have access to specific communication channels. Elevate your team's productivity with Gallabox's "Assign To" feature, streamlining task management and collaboration.

Search and Add User:

Access your Gallabox dashboard. From the left navigation menu, navigate to the "WhatsApp Channel" and click on "Map User" section.

Search for User

Locate the search bar, click on "click to add" beside the name of the user you would like to add. You will be notified when the user is added.

Repeat Process (Optional)

If you need to add additional users, repeat the same process.

Last updated

Change request #551: Added Voice Input in the Ask Cards