Flow with JSON

Flows Builder: Simplify Flow management for developers. Edit Flow JSON with syntax highlighting, code formatting, and autocomplete. Access it via WhatsApp Manager.

Flows Builder

Flows Builder is where developers can manage their Flows. It has the following features:

  • Developers can edit the Flow JSON of their Flows inside a code editor. The editor supports: syntax highlighting, code formatting, code folding, basic autocomplete

You can access the Flows Builder from WhatsApp Manager:

  1. Go to Flows from the left navigation in your Gallabox Account. Click on "Create New Flow". A pop-up will appear, click on "Create flow" and you will be redirected to your Facebook Business Manager.

  1. Under Account Tools in Facebook Business Manager, click on 'Flows'.

  1. On this page, you can see a list of the Flows in your WhatsApp Business Account. You can use the button on the top right to create a new Flow.

  1. When editing a Flow, you can use the code panel to configure the Flow JSON. The panel has useful debugging/development features such as auto-formatting, code folding, syntax checking, error code snippets, auto-completion, and shortcuts to save and preview/run. Click Run to update the right-side preview panel with the code in the editor.

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