Send via Message Template

Share forms through WhatsApp Templates by syncing them with Gallabox. Utilize Compose Box, Broadcast, or Sequence to send forms seamlessly.

To share a form as a direct message, you have to first create a WhatsApp Templates that has forms on Business Manager. Sync the WhatsApp Templates in Gallabox as a next step and start sending via Conversations.

Sync the Template with Gallabox

Once the Flow WhatsApp templates are synced in Gallabox, you can start sending those via Compose Box or Sequence or Broadcast.

If you are seeing the error, it means the channel you selected doesn't have permission for WhatsApp Flows. Kindly check your deployment option or select the right channel.

Share via Compose Box

To send a WhatsApp Flow via Compose Box, all you have to do is select the desired Template and map the variables (if any).

This is how the message will look on your customer's WhatsApp Mobile Application:

Share via Broadcast

To share a flow via Broadcast, you have to follow the normal process for Broadcast. Instead of a normal WhatsApp Template, you have to use the template containing flows in it.

This is how the message will look on your customer's WhatsApp Mobile Application:

Share via Sequence

Similarly, for the sequence you have to follow the normal process of setting up a sequence. You have to choose the right channel, WhatsApp template having flow.

Similarly, you can send a Flow Template via Integrations, in a Conversation as Canned Response or a WA templates.

Last updated

Change request #551: Added Voice Input in the Ask Cards