FAQs - WhatsApp Template Messages

WhatsApp Template Messaging - Frequently Asked Questions, WhatsApp Message Fees, Broadcast, Template Rejections, etc.

WhatsApp template messages are a powerful feature for businesses to communicate officially with their users. Understanding how to effectively use and create these templates is essential for improving customer engagement and compliance. This article compiles the most frequently asked questions to guide you through the intricacies of WhatsApp template messages.

Why is my template not getting approved?

There could be two reasons as to why your template is not approved.

  • Policy violations: If your template message contains incriminating, obscene, or derogatory words the template will be rejected. Messages to collect personal data from users will be in violation. Messages created to sell or promote illegal substances or products will also be in violation of WhatsApp's policy.

To know more about WhatsApp's Business policy.

  • Formatting errors: One of the main reasons for the rejection of a template is grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Proofreading your content will ensure the approval of your template as many users block or mark numbers as spam when messages have grammatical errors. Your template will also not be approved if there are errors pertaining to the template name, category, language, header, body, footer, buttons, or variables.

Please go through the errors that you may be facing under the following categories:

-> Template Name

The template name should always be in lowercase only. Special characters like ‘ ‘, *, ; , ^ , & , @ , % , etc., cannot be used in the template name. To separate two or more words use ‘ _ ‘.For example: Delivery.day (incorrect) ; delivery_day (correct)Make certain that your template name relates to your content and category type, generic template names like “temp_023” will not provide clarity to the WhatsApp reviewer.

-> Category

The category selected should always correlate to the header and body of the message, else the template message will be rejected. Choosing the right category will ensure a faster approval time of your template message given there are no errors.

-> Language

Messages can be sent in 60+ languages but, the usage of two or more languages in one template message is implausible. If you have chosen Hindi as your language, the message of the body cannot contain words in any one or more languages.

-> Header

The message header can be text or media. Media can be of image, audio, video, and pdf. The character limit of the header is 60 characters. A GIF cannot be sent under media as a header.

-> Body

A template message can get rejected if there are errors in the body of the message, these errors could be off:

  1. Double spacing between lines/paragraphs. For example:

  1. Variables have to be used within double curly brackets "{{}}" Example: {{contactName}}

  2. Two or more variables cannot be side by side i.e., floating variables, as it will cause an error. For example: {{contactName}}{{companyName}}{{companyId}} will cause an error. Make sure to add content in between the variables.

  3. 1024 is the character limit for the body of the message, this is inclusive of ‘ ‘ as a character.

-> Footer

Your footer can contain the business name, tagline, or website name but it cannot contain a hyperlink as it will cause an error. The character limit is 60 characters. Hyperlink as a footer will cause an error, therefore a template rejection.

-> Buttons

Buttons are of two types:

  • Quick reply: It can only have 1-3 buttons and the character limit for each button is 20 characters.

  • Call to action (CTA): Two CTA’s can be created as buttons, it can be your business phone number and, static (fixed) or dynamic URL.

The URL cannot be in a shortened format or have more than one variable. CTA buttons cannot be of two phone numbers or two URLs.​

-> Variables

A sample variable has to be given at the time of creating your template message. Variables can be off: name, email, phone number, date, media files, order number, payment status, URL, etc.

A URL should not be shortened as it will cause an error, therefore a template rejection.

What is the difference between a WhatsApp Template Message vs Session Message

When a user initiates a conversation, the WhatsApp policy allows for a business account to send session messages within a rolling 24hrs period. Within this rolling period, template messages can also be sent.

If the business account would like to engage/ opt-in a user a template message can be sent to start a session window. Template messages have a standard fee that is charged. Gallabox provides users with a minimum of 5000 and up to 15,000 free session messages further which they will be charged.

What is the difference between WhatsApp Templates vs Canned Responses?

Canned responses are inbuilt default response messages created within Gallabox to quicken the agent response time based on frequently asked queries. WhatsApp template messages are composed by your business, it can be customized according to your business requirements such as order status, tracking, re-engagement, etc.​

What is the maximum number of template messages that can be created by an account?

250 templates are the maximum number of template messages that can be created by an account. To create more templates your account will have to appeal for it with Facebook. If you require help with the appeal process, please write to our customer

Why is the status of my template saying ‘Reject/Reject!’?

If the status of your template reads ‘Reject‘ please proofread your template message for grammatical issues, violations, or errors with regard to each sub-category. Your template message can also be rejected if it goes against WhatsApp’s violation policy. In some instances, if the status reads ‘Reject!‘ the errors in the template message will be listed for you to correct. To know more about WhatsApp Template Guidelines.

What are the different statuses after the creation of the template in Gallabox?

The statuses that can be seen after submitting your template are: Created/Submitted, Approved, and Rejected. Occasionally a template may show one of the two statuses: Flagged and Disabled.

Flagged: This is a warning status for your template message when your quality rating reaches a low (red) state. If your quality rating does not improve over a 7-day period to a medium (yellow) state or high (green) state the template will be disabled. If the quality rating increases to yellow or green, the status will return to Approved status.

Disabled: After 7 days of the template entering a Flagged status, if the quality rating does not improve to a yellow or green state, the template will be disabled in all languages.

How long will it take for my template message to get approved?

The approval process may take between 30 minutes to 2 business days depending on the content of the template. To avoid a delay in the approval process, ensure that there are no errors/ violations in your template. To know more about WhatsApp Template Guidelines.

How to send a template message as a broadcast in Gallabox?
What is my broadcast limit?

Every account has a broadcast limit of 1000 template messages (Tier 1) at the beginning. According to the usage of the account, the messaging limits are determined by the number of unique users your business can send messages to on a daily basis. This includes new conversations as well as existing conversations with users. It also does not apply to messages sent in response to a user-initiated message within a 24-hour period.

To note:

  1. Tier 1: Allows your business to send messages to 1000 unique customers in a 24-hour period.

  2. Tier 2: Allows your business to send messages to 10,000 unique customers in a 24-hour period.

  3. Tier 3: Allows your business to send messages to 1,00,000 unique customers in a 24-hour period.

How do I increase my broadcast limit?

A business account’s phone number broadcast limit will be updated in 48 hours to the next tier if:

  • The quality rating is green (high).

  • The total number of users it sends notifications to is twice its current messaging limit within a 7-day period.

What is the default session time limit set by WhatsApp?

The default session time limit is 24hrs further which if there is no response from the customer another template message can be sent, this policy has been set to avoid spamming the user with multiple messages.

Can you send a template message to a customer who hasn’t responded in 24hrs?

Yes, you can send a template message to a customer who hasn’t responded in 24hrs. This policy has been set with a session limit by WhatsApp to avoid spam messages from WhatsApp business accounts.

Can you send a template message to any WhatsApp number?

Yes, you can send a template message to any WhatsApp number given they have opted in through SMS, website, or a WhatsApp thread. Keep in mind that bombardment of messages may result in your number being blocked which could affect your quality rating.

To know more about WhatsApp's Opt-in Method.

My template has been rejected for the second time, what can I do next?

If your template has been rejected for the second time, your account can appeal to Facebook Direct Support. All appeals for rejected messages will require a sample. If you require help with the appeal process, please write to our .

Why is my approved template message now blocked?

In the instance users have blocked your business number as spam, a 7-day warning notification email will be sent to your account from Facebook as a flagged template.


  1. If the issue further persists for the notified 7-day period, your template message will be disabled permanently by Facebook.

  2. If multiple template messages are disabled, it will result in the decrement of your quality score and disablement of your account.

Why did I receive an email regarding my quality rating?

If the users/ WhatsApp numbers your business account has been sending template messages to, mark your business phone number as spam, the quality rating of your account will decrease. To notify the business of this an email notification will be sent by META.

How to appeal to Facebook for template rejections?

If your template has been rejected, your account can appeal to Facebook Direct Support. All appeals for rejected messages will require a sample. If you require help with the appeal process, please write to our .

Why am I not able to create a new template with an existing/deleted template name?

If your template message has been disabled by Facebook, the template name used previously cannot be reused again. A new template name will have to be given in order to receive an Approved status.

Can I change the media file on my approved template?

Yes, the media file acts like a variable and can be changed according to your preference in your template message. As required every variable requires a sample.

Last updated