Ask File
Enhance user engagement with Ask File Card by requesting files from customers through text or voice. Learn how to utilize the "Ask as Text" and "Ask as Voice" features effectively.
Who can use this Card?
Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.
Available on Scale and Growth Plans.
Ask a File from your customer by using Ask File card.
You can ask the customer a question as a Text or as a Voice.

Ask as Text Essentials
Learn the basics of the "Ask as Text" option in Ask File Card to make talking to users more interesting.
Question Text
This is the question you want to ask users. Make it clear and short so users know what you're asking.
The Question text can be made Bold, Italic, or strikethrough using the options provided. The text will add the asterisk(*) for Bold, Underscore(_) for Italic text, and Tilde(~) for Strikethrough around the text.
Ask as Voice Essentials
The Ask as a Voice feature in Gallabox's Ask Text Bot Card lets users talk to submit their answers, making it easy and fun to interact.
You can either choose AI voice or a Record option.
For generating AI voice, you have to type in the Question Text, select the desired voice from the drop-down, and click on Generate Voice Button.
The Question text will be changed into voice. You can listen to it, change playback speed before saving the card to be used in the bot.

If you want to send a message in your voice, use Record option. Just press the record Button to record. To stop recording, click on Stop Recording.

To know about Storing User Responses, go to Bot Essentials#creating-variables and know about validation settings here.
PRO TIP: Use Variables in the Question Text and in the Validation Error Message to make it more personalized.
Implementation Example
Please share your resume with us to evaluate your candidature.
The above text can be made Bold, Italic, or strikethrough using the options provided. The text will add the asterisk(*) for Bold, Underscore(_) for Italic text, and Tilde(~) for Strikethrough as shown in the text below.

Once you have set all the fields required and click on SAVE.

PRO TIP: Use Variables in the Question Text and in the Validation Error Message to make it more personalized.
Last updated