Connect Razorpay to Gallabox easily by following simple steps on your Gallabox Dashboard. Integrate, authorize, and update configurations seamlessly for automated messages.
Let's connect Razorpay to Gallabox from your Gallabox Dashboard following the below steps.
Razorpay Integration
1. Go to Integrations in the left navigation on your Gallabox account and Select Razorpay Integration from the available applications.

2. Click on Connect and assign the name to this integration and click on Submit. It will ask you to Authorize Gallabox.

Login to your Razorpay Account before Authorizing Gallabox.
If you don't have a Razorpay Account, click on the below link to create an account with Razorpay.
Click on Authorize

Once you Authorize Gallabox, you will be redirected to the Razorpay Integration page in your Gallabox Account. Select the Channel under Configuration and click on Update Configuration.

You have successfully connected your Razorpay account with Gallabox. After Integrating Razorpay with Gallabox, you have to create Workflows in order to send the automated messages.
Remove Razorpay Integration
If you want to delete the Razorpay Integration due to some reasons, follow the 2 step process listed below.
Go to Integration on your Gallabox dashboard. Click on the Integrated Razorpay Application.

Click on the 3 dots besides Connected and you will find a delete option. When you click on Delete, the integration will be deleted and cannot be recovered.

Congratulations! You have successfully deleted the integration.
Last updated