WhatsApp’s New Per-user Messaging Limits

Discover how WhatsApp's per-user message limits impact businesses worldwide. Improve user experience and interaction quality with Gallabox features.

New Limits on Business Messages on WhatsApp

Meta has set a policy to limit how many marketing messages users get over a period. Fewer messages at the start are less likely to be read. The limit applies to the total number of marketing messages a user receives from all businesses.

The limit only applies to new marketing conversations. If a marketing conversation is already open, you can send more marketing template messages without issue.

Why is WhatsApp implementing these per-user message limits?

WhatsApp is implementing limits to improve user experiences by ensuring timely and relevant marketing communications. These limits help avoid message overload, making interactions more meaningful and engaging, which reduces user fatigue and enhances interaction quality.

How do I recognize the failure?

If a marketing template message is not delivered to a user due to the limit, it will return a Message Undeliverable error code. Note that this error code covers a wide range of issues that can result in non-delivery. For privacy reasons, Meta does not disclose if the message was not delivered specifically due to the limit. See error code: 131026 in Error Messages for Cloud API and 1026 in Error Messages for Cloud API.

Here's the Tip:

If you receive this error code and suspect it's due to a limit, avoid resending the template message immediately, as this will likely cause another error. Instead, wait a bit longer each time you try sending it. The limit might change over time, so eventually, your message should get through.

Per-user Messaging Limit FAQs

In this section, you'll find answers to common questions about the per-user messaging limit and related issues.

What are the new WhatsApp per-user messaging limits?

WhatsApp is implementing global limits on marketing template messages per user, following a pilot in India. These limits apply to the total number of marketing messages a user receives from all businesses combined, instead of from each individual business.

This global rollout begins 23 May 2024.

The exact number of messages users can receive and the timeframe is currently unavailable to businesses and may be updated later.

What has the impact been in India?

Initial data indicates that during the rollout in India in February, some businesses experienced a 30–50% drop in marketing message delivery due to new limits. This impact varied across industries and was influenced by audience quality and message relevance.

How will these limits affect how I use WhatsApp for marketing?

With the global per-user message limits, marketers should focus on quality over quantity, ensuring each message is impactful and relevant. To expand your reach, explore alternative channels like Meta advertising.

Utilize features like Click to WhatsApp (CTWA) to directly engage users through ads and connect with those who may have missed your messages.

What happens if I send a message that exceeds the limit?

If you try to send a message to a user who has reached their marketing message limit, the message won't be delivered. Instead, you'll receive an error code.

Sending the message again immediately may cause another error. Optimize your messaging strategy to comply with scheduling and targeting limits.

Can ongoing conversations continue without being affected by these limits?

New limits mainly target marketing template messages that start new conversations. Messages within an existing marketing conversation with a WhatsApp user are exempt, allowing uninterrupted communication.

How should I prepare for these changes?

Here are some tips to help you adjust to WhatsApp's new messaging limits and keep your audience hooked:

  1. Rethink Your Message Templates: Review your marketing messages. Ensure they're engaging and relevant, considering new restrictions. Customize content for different groups based on their interests or past interactions. Avoid sending the same message to everyone.

  1. Clean Up Your Contact List: Think about how people joined your list and ensure they're still interested. Analyze undelivered message reports and remove inactive or unengaged contacts. A clean list helps your messages reach the right audience and prevents wasted sends.

  1. Double Check Your Message Types: Focus on correctly labeling your messages as either "marketing" or "utility." Utility messages, like confirmations or notifications, should only include essential information and not be disguised as marketing. Clear categories help you stay compliant with WhatsApp's rules and ensure important updates reach your audience.

  1. Space Out Your Messages: Send marketing messages less often. Align your schedule with your goals to keep people interested, but don't go over the new limits. Focus on quality, not quantity.

Embracing Performance Messaging

Understanding WhatsApp's new message limits is vital for businesses. These limits are opportunities to improve user experience and interaction quality. Adapt to these changes for better engagement.

Gallabox has features and will be launching more to address these changes. Stay tuned for updates on the upcoming features.

Last updated