Manage Inbox

Easily manage user assignments with Gallabox. Set reminders, track session windows, and organize conversations with tags. Block and unblock contacts with a simple click.

User Assignment

User assignment is crucial for a smoothly functioning shared inbox, facilitating teamwork and improving efficiency by distributing tasks effectively. With Gallabox, you have the flexibility to assign chats to Gallabox Users, Team, or to a Bot created within the system.

Conversations assigned to a team but not yet to an agent will appear in the unassigned tab, where agents can manually assign to themselves. In the shared team inbox header, the assignment dropdown will show all teams, users, and bots eligible under their plan, provided they have at least one team in their account.

Users with the “Can view and manage all of their teams' conversations” permission can view their team conversations, while those with the “Can view and manage all conversations” permission can access all conversations across all teams, provided they have access to the relevant channel.

Assign a Conversation to a Team:

If teams are selected in the assignment rules drop-down, we will filter and display the teams mapped to the channel. For old teams without a channel ID, we will display all teams. Since old teams lack a mapped channel, we will assign conversations to the team and use the default round-robin method. Users with access to that channel can view and manage the conversation; otherwise, it will be marked as unassigned.

Assign a Conversation to a Bot:

The assignment rules should function as usual. For new bots or when editing an existing flow, all teams should be displayed in the drop-down when "assigned to team" is selected for both actions and the assignment node.


  1. If the bot is running in channel 1 and team A (used for assignment) has all its users mapped to channel 2, all conversations will be moved to unassigned.

  2. If the bot is running in channel 1 with team A assigned, and team A is mapped to channel 2, all conversations will also be moved to unassigned.

  3. You can assign conversations to either a team or an individual user. If a conversation is assigned to a team, the team will use round-robin approach to distribute the conversation to an agent or leave it unassigned, depending on the chose method of assignment.

  4. If assigned to a bot, the bot will engage with the user. For user assignments, an empty team icon will be displayed next to the assignment dropdown, allowing the agent to map the conversation to their team if needed.

Remove Team assignment

If you want to remove Team Assignment, click on the Team icon and select remove team option.

Follow-up Reminders

Prefer a visual explanation? Watch the video below.

Prefer a written explanation? Read the text below.

Add the reminder to follow-up for a conversation. The reminder will alert agents within the contact conversation as a private note. You have and type of reminders.

Setting a reminder for a conversation will ensure that it is prioritized and appears at the top of the assigned conversations list at the designated time.

Conversation Window Session

This displays the timer for WhatsApp's

You can also track the 24 hour session window for the contacts assigned you by monitoring the the ring around their contact thumbnail.

Conversation Tags

Prefer a visual explanation? Watch the video below.

Prefer a written explanation? Read the text below.

Conversation tags are labels you can assign to chats helping you categorize and organize based on specific criteria, topics, or statuses. This makes it easier to search for, track, and manage conversations, enhancing overall communication efficiency.

You can either create a Tag before assigning it to a chat or you can type and click on Create Tag option to create & assign Tags withing seconds.

Let's see how you can do that in the below GIF:

Block the Contact

Click on the three dots on the right side of the chat to view the Block action you can perform.

Once you Block the contact, you cannot send or receive messages. If you want to send a message to a Blocked contact, unblock them and then send message.

Unblock the Contact

Click on the three dots on the right side of the chat to view the Unblock action you can perform or you can click on Unblock Button at the bottom of the Chat section as shown in the GIF below:

Resolve Chat

This enables the chat to be resolved once appropriate support has been provided to customers.

If there is a follow-up set for a conversation and it is resolved, users will be prompted to choose one of the following options:

  1. Clear follow-up and resolve

  2. Remind the follow-up at the set time

If the "Clear follow-up and resolve" option is selected, the follow-up will be cleared, and the conversation will be resolved as usual.

If the "Remind when it's time" option is selected, a private note of the follow-up, along with a mention of the person who configured the follow-up, will be added to the conversation and it will automatically be unresolved and assigned back to you.

Bulk Action on Chats

To bulk unassign all the chats or assign to a specific Gallabox user or a Bot, go to Table view. Select the chats you would like to assign to a user or a Bot.

Last updated