Flow in the Bot
Whether you want to create a flow from scratch or use a template, this guide will show you how to seamlessly create Bot Flows in Gallabox. Start building your conversational interface today!
What is Flow?
A Flow or Bot Flow is a sequence of intents and actions that direct the chat bot to complete a task. You can create a Flow inside the bot from scratch or use any template from the Intensive Template Library to create a flow in the bot.
Let's dive in understand the types of flows in Gallabox.
Types of Flows
There are four types of flows that you can utilize in Gallabox to enhance your chat bot's interaction with users. Each flow serves a specific purpose and can be tailored to meet your business needs. Let's explore the types of flows available:
1. Message Based Flow
A Message-Based Flow is like chatting with a friend. It uses set messages to help the bot talk to users and give information. It's good for general chats, answering questions, or casual conversations.
2. Order Based Flow
This flow is automatically triggered when the contact places an order from your Catalogue.
3. WhatsApp - Flow Based
This flow will trigger when a customer responds to the WhatsApp Form or Flow.
4. CTWA Ad- Based Flow
This flow lets you handle conversations triggered by CTWA ads separately from regular inquiries.
How to add a Flow in Gallabox?
You can add a flow in Gallabox using three methods: From Scratch, using a Template, or using AI Bot.
Create a Flow from Scratch
Under Bots click on the Bot for which you want to add the bot flows.

Click on "Add New Flow" at the top right corner. You will be prompted to provide the Flow name, Flow type, When to trigger this flow?, and Custom Configurations. Click on create once you enter the details.

Great! You created a Flow inside the Bot. You will be redirected to bot builder to create using the Bot Cards/Nodes.
Create a Flow using the Template Library
Go to "Bot Templates" from the drop-down option in Bots as shown in the GIF.

Choose the Bot Template and click on "Use" as shown in the GIF. Choose the Bot from the drop-down to add as a flow template under the Bot.

Click on "Go to Flow" to edit the content as per your company's voice or edit the template using the "Bot Cards" which Includes Send Message, Ask Questions, Utilities, Actions, and Connectors.

Create a Flow using AI
Under Bots click on the Bot for which you want to add the bot flows.

Click on "Add New Flow" at the top right corner and choose AI Bot (Agent) option from the dropdown. You will be prompted to provide the Flow name, trigger conditions, and Custom Configurations. Click on create once you enter the details.

Once you click on 'Create', you will be asked to provide the context for the AI Bot. The context includes what role and goal you would like the bot to have. You can provide the additional actions, and instructions for your Bot. Additionally, you can upload any files which will help your Bot to work efficiently with customer queries. Once you are done, click on Publish.
For example:
Role: Customer Support Agent Goal: Assist customers with troubleshooting and resolving issues.
In Order to achieve the goal, we need to add the instructions. In an AI flow, instructions guide the chatbot’s behavior, responses, and decision-making processes during interactions.
You can provide the following Instructions:
Greet the user and ask how you can assist them.
Ask the customer to describe their issue or problem in detail.
Based on the user’s initial description, ask follow-up questions to narrow down the issue.

Great! You created a AI Flow inside the Bot.
Flow Essentials
1. When to trigger the flow?
You can trigger the flow for two options: For any keyword and For specific keywords.
For any keyword: They bot flow will triggered for any user message (keyword) that comes to your Bot.
For specific Keywords: You can select which Bot flow will trigger for which user messages (keywords). Under Advance option for a specific keyword you can add a payload. A payload in a chatbot carries information within a message that helps the bot understand what the user is saying and respond accordingly. Here in Gallabox, we have two main ways to make sense of payloads: Case Match and Regex Match.
2. Custom Configurations
Under custom configurations you have the option to set up nudge for the bot flow, What actions should the bot take after the flow completion?, Allow users to navigate back and forth within the flow, and Enable flow-level drop-off for every flow.
When the Bot flow limit for the plan you are subscribed to has been reached and you would want more number of Bots in your account, reach out to the support team on support@gallabox.com.
Manage Bot Flows
1. Moving a Flow from One Bot to another
To move a flow from one bot to another:
Find the flow you wish to move to another bot. Click on the 'Clone Flow' option. You will be prompted to enter the new flow name and select the bot from the drop-down where this flow will be created.

By default, the dropdown will prefill with the current bot's name, allowing you to change it if needed.
To address the issue of reply settings failing:
The listing page will display the presence of a payload upfront for each flow.
On the flow edit page, the payload will be shown in an expanded format.
Flow Matching using payload
Think of "flows" as conversations or exchanges of information. This could be anything from ordering a product online to sending a message to a customer service rep.
The "payload" is the information attached to the flow. This information is like the details. It might include things like the type of product you're ordering, the reason you're contacting customer service, or even your location.
Flow Matching uses the payload to connect the flow with the right system. So, if you're ordering a red shirt, you'll be connected to the department that handles clothing orders, not the one that deals with electronics.
For each bot flow intent, you can add a payload using either a case-match or regex- match.
The usage is recommended if you are having same intents for more than 1 bot flow.
For each bot flow intent, you can add a payload using either a static value or a dynamic value.
For example:
Static Value:
For the "order_product" intent, the payload may include options such as clothing, shirt, or red.

Dynamic Value:
For "intent": "contact_support", you can use the payload as {{user_reason}} or {{user_location}}.

Last updated