Send your WhatsApp data to Zoho CRM using Chatbot

Experience a smooth integration journey with Zoho CRM IN or COM through the Zoho Connector. Take advantage of actions such as creating or updating leads, dynamic modules, and record retrieval.

Who can use this Card?

  • Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.

  • Available on Scale and Pro Plans.


Embark on a seamless integration journey with Zoho CRM, tailored to your specific domain – Zoho CRM IN or Zoho CRM COM. Explore the variety of actions offered by the Zoho Connector, from creating or updating leads to dynamic modules and record retrieval.

Connect Zoho CRM

  1. Choose the connector (Zoho CRM IN if you have .in domain or Zoho CRM COM if you have .com domain). We will go ahead with ZOHO CRM IN.

  1. After you click on the connector, it will list the actions that are possible with Zoho Connector - Create or Update Lead, Create One Lead, Dynamic Module, and Get Record (Dynamic Module). Choose the action you want to perform and you will be asked to create Connection or Use the connection already created.

  1. Clicking on Create Connection will open a pop-up to sign in to your Zoho account or if you are already signed in, it will ask you the permission to use your Zoho account. Once you sign in, you have to provide the access to Zoho. Once you click on Accept, the Gallabox will have access to Zoho and an connection will be created as shown in below screenshot.

  1. You can see the connection created under Select Existing Connection. You have to click on Connect and you will be redirected to edit the action.

Using the Zoho Connector

Create or Update Lead

  1. Go to Google sheet Connector click on Action - Create or Update Lead. Select the connection you created before to edit the Action as shown in the below GIF.

  1. The mandatory fields are Last Name and company to either create or update a lead in Zoho. In the Company field, you can pass your company's Name.

  1. For the optional fields, you can choose from the list. To provide you the clarity, we will take email and marketing opt-ins. Once you have done selecting the value or the variables, click on Save.

  1. Below is the sample flow where the Zoho Connector is the fourth card in the chat-flow. You can also move the Zoho Connector at the start of the chat-flow.

Make sure to add the right variables as values for all the fields as per the GIF and Zoho Fields.

Create One Lead

  1. Go to Google sheet Connector click on Action - Create One Lead. Select the connection you created before to edit the Action as shown in the below GIF.

  2. Apart from the required fields - Last Name and Company, there are 15 optional Fields to push the data for.

  1. Along with the 15 optional fields, if you have created any custom field in your Zoho account and have captured the data for the field, you could find that field in the dropdown of Customer Fields and add a variable that stores the value for that field.

  1. All the details of the customers captured after they interact with the chat-flow will be pushed to the connected Zoho account.

Make sure to add the right variables as values for all the fields as per the GIF and Zoho Fields.

Dynamic Module for Zoho

  1. Go to Google sheet Connector click on Action - Dynamic Module. Select the connection you created before to edit the Action as shown in the below GIF.

  1. You have to select the Module (Leads, Contacts, Accounts, or Deals) from Zoho in which you want to create a record. We'll take Leads Module for example.

  1. The record will be captured in the Leads Module after they interact with the chat-flow created.

Make sure to add the right variables as values for all the fields as per the GIF and Zoho Fields.

Get record (Dynamic Module)

  1. Go to Google sheet Connector click on Action - Get record. Select the connection you created before to edit the Action as shown in the below GIF.

  1. The Mandatory field is the variable you want to store the value in. You can create a new variable or if you have already created a variable in which you want to store the record of the module, you can choose that from the dropdown.

  1. The record will be captured in the Contacts Module after they interact with the chat-flow created.

Make sure to add the right variables as values for all the fields as per the GIF and Zoho Fields.

With your Zoho CRM connector configured, effortlessly manage leads and dynamic modules. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to ensure accurate data input, whether it's creating or updating leads, creating one lead, or working with dynamic modules. Optimize your Zoho integration by adding the right variables and values, making your chat-flow a powerful asset for efficient customer relationship management.

Last updated