Marketing opt-in on contact creation
Manage marketing opt-ins during contact creation in Gallabox through various methods like single contact creation or integration. Set opt-ins easily and efficiently for effective market
Contacts can be created in various ways, which include:
Let's delve into the specifics of how marketing opt-in is managed during contact creation in each of these scenarios.
Single contact creation in the contact module
When a new contact is created via the contacts module, there is a field for marketing opt-in.
You can provide the consent your customer has given you in this field.
If the field is set to YES, you will be able to send marketing templates to them.
If the field is set to NO, Gallabox will automatically detect it and skip sending marketing messages to this particular customer.
Gallabox will also provide a warning when you try to send a marketing message to them.

Single contact creation in the conversations module
When a new contact is created via the compose box, the marketing opt-in is set to YES by default.
The marketing opt-in option is displayed on the right side of the screen.
If you haven't received marketing opt-in from that specific customer, you can easily change it to NO by editing it with a single click.

Contact creation upon receiving an incoming message
When a new incoming message is received, Gallabox automatically creates a contact.
During this contact creation, the marketing opt-in is automatically set to YES.
Bulk contact import
Bulk import can be done in two ways: Simple import and Advanced import.
Simple Import:
During simple import, you can bulk import four details: Name, email, phone number, and tags.
When uploading an excel file, you can set the marketing opt-in via a dropdown.
If you select "YES" in the dropdown while importing 1000 contacts, all the contacts' opt-in will be set as "YES".
Similarly, if you set the value as "NO", all the contacts' opt-in will be set as "NO".

In simple import, the dropdown value is only considered for new contacts, and existing contacts' opt-in is not overwritten.
Advanced Import
During advanced import, you can individually provide the marketing opt-in consent for each contact by using "TRUE" for "YES" and "FALSE" for "NO".

During the file upload, you can also set the marketing opt-in via a dropdown.
Scenario: You are importing 1000 contacts, and around 10 of these contacts have said "No" to marketing messages. How can you do this?
In the sheet, fill the value of Marketing opt-in for those 10 contacts as "FALSE" and leave the rest blank.
Now in the drop-down, select value as YES and proceed
Except for those 10 contacts, all other contacts will be created with marketing opt-in set as "YES".

In advanced import, the dropdown value is only considered for new contacts, and existing contacts' opt-in is not overridden. However, the value provided in the sheet will be considered for both new and existing contacts, and overwrite will occur.
Creating contacts through an excel sheet in the broadcast module
When uploading an excel sheet, you can bulk import two details: Name and phone number.
During the excel file upload, there is a dropdown to set the marketing opt-in.
If you choose "YES" in the dropdown, all 1000 contacts' opt-in will be set as "YES".
Similarly, if you choose "NO", all the contacts' opt-in will be set as "NO".

The dropdown value is only considered for new contacts, and existing contacts' opt-in is not overwritten.
Contact creation through integration and webhook
When a message is sent to a new contact via integration or webhook, Gallabox automatically creates a contact.
During the contact creation process, the marketing opt-in is automatically set to YES.
Contact creation via API
When a contact is created via API, you have the option to provide the marketing opt-in values as YES or NO.
If you do not pass a value, Gallabox sets the marketing opt-in as YES by default.
Last updated