Discover how to optimize user interactions with Gallabox's Switch Card through a Product Inquiry Chat-bot. Guide customers to their desired products efficiently and effectively.
Who can use this Card?
Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.
Available on Scale and Pro Plans.
Let’s understand how we can use Switch Card in Gallabox with the help of an example use case: Product Inquiry Chat-bot.
The chat-bot's goal is to assist customers in finding the right products based on their preferences.
The conversation begins with the chat-bot greeting the user and asking for their product preferences. The chat-bot prompts the user with a question like "What type of product are you looking for?"
We want to evaluate the product type and determine the appropriate action after capturing the user’s response. In the next series of steps (including screenshots) we will guide you on how to do this.
Switch Type:
Enter the Switch type as either “Find Best match” or “Equals” depending on the condition that you want.
Find Best Match is used when you want to find the closest match in the user response to the content we have in your database.
Equals can be used when you want to match the condition with the user’s response.
Continuing with the above example, we will take Switch type ad “Find Best Match”.

The Input acts as the data on which the condition will be applied. You can add any variable that you have declared with the greeting message or can add intent, recipient details, contact fields
In continuation with the example, we are taking the input as a custom variable - test_product declared in the greeting message.

Rating Threshold:
It depicts how similar is the response you received from the user in fraction from 0 to 1 (both inclusive). The higher fraction shows high similarity. We’ll take the rating threshold to 0.2.

Here you have to add the condition to which the response will be evaluated. Continuing the example, we are adding three product categories: electronics, clothing, and home décor. You can add as many categories as you want.

This is how the chat-flow will look like after:

You can create different journey’s for the keywords you chose. There will be one default keyword that will get triggered when the switch card is not able to capture the user response according to the condition provided.
In the above example, if the user responded with groceries, the default journey will get triggered for that particular user.
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