Ask Form
Enhance user engagement with interactive forms using the Ask Form feature. Customize headers, questions, and footers effortlessly while storing responses in variables.
Who can use this Card?
Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.
Available on Scale and Growth Plans.
Understanding "Ask Form"
The Ask Form feature enables to send the interactive forms, allowing users to input information seamlessly. This feature includes customization options for the header, questions, footer, and the ability to store responses in variables.

Ask Form Essentials:
Before using Ask Form in your chatbot, here are some things you need to know:
Header Text
This field allows you to set an optional header text for the form, providing context or a title. For example: "Survey Form" or "Booking Form".
Question Text
The question text is where you define the main query or prompt for the user. For example: "What is your feedback?"
Optionally, you can include a footer text. It can be used for additional information or a closing message. In the example: "Thank you for your response!"
Button Name
This involves specifying the name for the form submission button. For example: "Submit."
WhatsApp Flow
Here, you select the WhatsApp flow you want to associate with the form. It is a predefined flow for handling user responses.
To create WhatsApp Flow, click here.
Flow Action
The flow action defines what happens after the user interacts with the form. In the example: "Navigate" suggests moving to another screen or action within the WhatsApp flow.
Screen Name
Paste the Screen Id from the JSON.
Response Storage Variable
This optional setting allows you to store user responses in a variable for later use or processing.
Variable should follow specific rules, such as starting with an alphabet and only allowing underscores as special characters. In the example: "user feedback."
Validation Settings
These rules are important to make sure users provide the right info.
Let's explore the key components of the validation settings for the "Ask Form" question type:
Define the number of attempts a user has to provide a valid response. This feature helps manage user expectations and encourages accurate inputs.
Validation Error Message:
An optional setting where you can enter a specific error message to guide users in case of invalid input.
Action on Invalid Response:
Here is how to make sure the conversation stays smooth even if there's a mistake in the answer. Here's how you can handle it:
Drop from the bot: If there's an error, the Bot session timeout action will happen and the message for Session timeout will be shared with the user.
Skip the Question: Your customer will move forward in the BotFlow without answering a particular question.
Proceed to Fallback: If an invalid response is encountered, the question will be skipped and will move to the next card connected to the fallback connector🔶.
Implementation Example
Let's design a "Ask Form" Card for a Restaurant.
For the Header Text you can enter: "Welcome to Hotel Charminar Palmshore".

For the Question Text you can enter: "Kindly Select from Today's Menu".

For the Footer you can enter any text or leave it blank.

For the button name, you can either enter "View Menu" or "Our Menu"

Select the relevant WhatsApp Flow you have created in your Business Manager. If you haven't, created any, go to Flows.

For the Screen Name you have to paste the Id of the first screen. You can take it from the JSON format. You will get the Id from your Business Manager.
In the below picture, the text enclosed in blue box is the Screen id you have to paste in the Screen Name of Ask Form.

You have the option to store the user response in the variable. You can create a variable - user_details
for example to store the user response.

Now for the validation settings, you could provide the attempt limit as 1, Validation Error Message is optional. Kindly provide the Action on Invalid Response as Proceed to fallback.

Sample Flow Using "Ask Form" Card
In Gallabox Bot Interface

In WhatsApp

The above sample flow is for you to understand how "Ask Form" Card works and it's usage. It is not a representation of what can be achieved with Gallabox.
All the responses will be collected in a section - WhatsApp Flows under Settings.
You can use this Card if you require input from the user.
Last updated