Send your WhatsApp data to Zoho Bigin using Chatbot
Optimize your lead management with Zoho Bigin integration. Connect Zoho Bigin and start capturing and transferring customer details effortlessly.
Who can use this Card?
Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.
Available on all Paid Plans.
Embark on effortless lead management with Zoho Bigin integration. Whether it's creating a new connection or configuring actions like "Create Contact," this documentation guides you step-by-step for seamless integration into your chat-flow.
Connect Zoho Bigin
Choose the connector - Zoho Bigin COM or Zoho Bigin IN from the list of connectors. You can also search from the search bar.

Click on the action- Create Contact. You will be asked either to Create a Connection or choose from existing connection. To create a New Connection, provide the name and click on Create Connection.

It will open a pop-up to sign in to your Bigin account or if you are already signed in, it will ask you the permission to authorize your Bigin account. If you are not signed in, sign in and provide the permission to authorize the account.

Using the Zoho Bigin Connector
Create Contact
Once the connection is created, click on Connect besides the connection you created to start configuring the action.

The Mandatory field to create lead in Zoho Bigin is Last Name. You have to map the right variables that stores the value for Last Name.

Apart from the required field, if you want to push any other field you captured like First Name or Email opt-in or Email of the customer you can click on Optional Fields to push the corresponding values. Zoho Bigin has 12 optional Fields.

All the details of the customers captured after they interact with the chat-flow having Zoho Connector will be pushed to the connected Zoho account.
Make sure to add the right variables as values for all the fields.
Optimize your Zoho Bigin experience by carefully configuring the "Create Contact" action. From mapping mandatory fields like Last Name to pushing additional data through optional fields, this guide ensures a smooth connection, enabling the capture and transfer of customer details seamlessly into your Zoho account.
Last updated