Send Products

Utilize the Send Products card to showcase products to customers. Include detailed information, features, benefits, and more. Personalize messages with variables and format text.

Who can use this Card?

  • Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.

  • Available on all Paid Plans.


You can use the Send Products card to share a specific product from your catalogue with your customers.

Make sure the catalog is set-up in Gallabox before you use this card.


It is a space to provide detailed information regarding the product(s), features, benefits, or any other relevant information.

Use Variables

Use them to add already collected data from your customers to the messages.

Just click on "Add Variables" to open up a dropdown with all the available fields. Just a quick tip – make sure the variable you choose actually has some data in it, or it won't show up as intended!


Select the text you want to bold and click on the "B" below the text area to make it bold. The text will be enclosed within two asterisk (*).


Select the text you want to make italic and click on the "I" below the text area to make it italic. The text will be enclosed within underscore (_).


Select the text you want to strikethrough and click on the "s" below the text area to make strikethrough. The text will be enclosed within Tilde (~).


Select the catalogue from which the products is to be listed. If you haven't connected your catalogue yet with Gallabox, click here.

Products Type

You have two options to choose the products from - Static Products and Dynamic Products.

1. Static Products

From the drop-down, you have to select the products you would like to showcase from the catalog you connected to Gallabox. Incase you select more than one product to showcase, you will have to edit the Header too.

2. Dynamic Products

If you want to send some selected items to your customers dynamically, use the dynamic option. The values can be accessed using API Call.

  • Variable to iterate: Add the name of the variable here (the variable you stored the Response in the API Call Connector).

  • Path to ID: Add the path from your internal database in curly brackets {{}}.

For instance, below is an example of JSON response you get from your API:

  "product_data": [
      "sku_id": 1006,
      "name": "Idli"
      "sku_id": 1003,
      "name": "Buttermilk"
      "sku_id": 1030,
      "name": "Rosemilk"

For the above response, the Path to ID will be {{sku_id}} and the Variable to iterate will be the one in which the API response is stored. Check your API Call node for the variable and use the variable here.

Make sure your value for Path to Id and the Retainer ID in your catalog connected to Gallabox is same for the products to lessen the chance of error.

Dynamic Options with sections

This feature lets you send a selected group of product items to your customers, arranged in sections, and dynamically created from a JSON/API response stored in your variable.

For instance, below is an example of JSON response you get from your API:

  "itinerary": [
      "day": "Day 1",
      "activities": [
          "activity_id": "act001",
          "name": "Visit the Colosseum",
          "description": "Explore the iconic Roman amphitheatre"
          "activity_id": "act002",
          "description": "Enjoy a traditional Roman pizza lunch"
          "activity_id": "act003",
          "name": "Stroll through the Trevi Fountain",
          "description": "Toss a coin and make a wish!"
      "day": "Day 2",
      "activities": [
          "activity_id": "act004",
          "name": "Explore the Vatican Museums",
          "description": "See incredible art and historical artifacts"
          "activity_id": "act005",
          "name": "St. Peter's Basilica",
          "description": "Visit the largest church in Christianity"

For the above response,

Section FieldValue from the example code

Variable to iterate

will be a variable in which the list of sections are stored.

JSONPath for the section title


JSONPath for the section products


JSONPath for the product ID


This example demonstrates how to structure your JSON (stored in a variable) to the required format of "Dynamic Options with sections" using JSONPath. Ensure that the selected variable contains the data in an array format representing the product sections.

A footer, found at the bottom of a message, typically includes the following information:

  • The sender's name and contact details.

  • Instructions for opting out of future messages.

  • A disclaimer or copyright notice.

  • Links to the sender's website or social media profiles.

Duplicate/Delete/Edit Send Product Card

When hovering over the card, you'll see the option to duplicate the card, a pencil to edit the block, and a "x" to delete the card.

Here is how Send Product card looks on WhatsApp:

Last updated