Facebook Leads
Connect Facebook pages and WhatsApp Business accounts easily with Gallabox. Automate messages to new leads and customers with FB Leads integration. 3 simple steps to integrate!
With Gallabox, you can easily connect your Facebook pages and your WhatsApp Business accounts to use Gallabox's automation features like sending messages to new leads and customers.
To use the FB Leads integration, simply connect your Facebook page to Gallabox and create a lead ad. When someone submits their information through the ad, Gallabox will automatically create a contact for them in your Gallabox account and send them a message.
Connect your Fb Leads in 3 easy steps!
Go to Integration in the left navigation of Gallabox. Hover on Facebook Leads from the list of applications available and click on Connect.

Provide the Integration a name and click on Continue with Facebook.

Select the Facebook page you want to connect with Gallabox and Click next. Turn required permissions on for Gallabox and Click Done. Make sure you have admin access to the company's Facebook Business Page.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated your Facebook page to Gallabox. Make sure to create a test lead before sending out the messages on WhatsApp.
Make sure to create a test lead before sending out the messages on WhatsApp.
Last updated