Connect CleverTap with Gallabox to send personalized WhatsApp campaigns, track stats, and automate workflows. Enhance your marketing strategy today!
CleverTap Integration with Gallabox will help you to effortlessly send WhatsApp campaigns, track stats, and set up automated workflows for personalized engagement in turn transforming your marketing strategy.
Configuring CleverTap in Gallabox
From the left navigation go to Integration in your Gallabox and Click on CleverTap from the available apps.

Click on Connect, provide the integration name, and click on Submit.

Gallabox will generate a "Webhook URL End Point" which has to be pasted in the CleverTap Application. Choose the "Channel Name" you would like to connect with CleverTap. Update the configuration.

Sign in on your CleverTap account, from the left navigation go to settings. Under the Channels, go to WhatsApp. Click on WhatsApp Connect to add the configuration.

Click on +Provider Configuration to connect your Gallabox Account with your CleverTap Account. The setup page will open up.

To set the Provider Configuration, select Generic (other) from the drop-down or Provider Option. Provide a name and the phone number of your Gallabox Account.
When providing the phone number, make sure to type or paste the number using country code. For instance, If you are residing in India, paste or copy the number as +9198XXXXXXXX.

Copy the Delivery Report Callback URL and Inbound Message Callback URL from CleverTap Account to your Gallabox Account in the CleverTap Configuration page.

Copy and paste Webhook URL End Point from your CleverTap Configuration Page in Gallabox to WhatsApp Setup page on CleverTap.

Save the WhatsApp Setup details on CleverTap and update the configuration in your Gallabox Account to connect CleverTap with Gallabox.

Your configuration is ready. You can now start using CleverTap to send WhatsApp messages via Gallabox
Adding WhatsApp Templates
To send WhatsApp Messages via Gallabox, you need to copy and paste the Verified WhatsApp Templates on CleverTap. To do so:
Select the Provider you created from the list and select Templates.

Click on +Template to paste the verified template from Gallabox.
A Tip: Open your Gallabox Account on other tab to copy and paste all the Template fields correctly.

Paste the Template Name, Header, Body, Buttons, and language to CleverTap.

Click on SAVE TEMPLATE to add the template in your CleverTap Account.

Get Ready to Launch your first WhatsApp Campaign on CleverTap! 👍
Error Handling in CleverTap Logs
Below tables lists down the errors you might encounter in the logs and how to resolve them.
The channel number specified in the integration does not match the channel number in the request.
Make sure to copy and paste the channel number from the configuration.
Parameter mismatch: The request has a different number of parameters than the template variables
Check if the number of variables in the template in Gallabox is same in CleverTap also. Since CleverTap does not allow duplication of variables, make sure not to reuse variables in your templates in Gallabox as well.
The processed template message does not match the request message body.
Check if the template body content is the same as the Gallabox template body.
Last updated