Contact Segments

What are Contact Segments?

Contact segments are groups within your contact list, categorized by specific criteria such as Contact Tags, Email, or any other contact field.

By creating contact segments, you can personalize your communications and marketing efforts, ensuring that each message is tailored to the interests and needs of specific groups within your contact database.

How to create a Contact Segment?

To create a contact segment, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts section from the left navigation of your Gallabox Account.

  1. Choose the "Segments" option.

  1. Click on the "New Segment" button.

  1. Add the specific criteria for your segment. You can use the filters such as Contact Tags, Email, Subscription Date, or any other relevant information.

  1. Give your segment a name and click "Save".

Your new contact segment is now ready, and you can use it to target specific groups for your campaigns.

Last updated