Initiate a New Chat
Learn how to initiate chat with customers using 4 different methods.
Last updated
Learn how to initiate chat with customers using 4 different methods.
Last updated
You can initiate a Chat with a customer if you have added their contact in Gallabox or you can add a contact and then send the customer a WhatsApp Template.
You can only use WhatsApp Templates to initiate a conversation with a customer.
Prefer a visual explanation? Watch the video below.
Prefer a written explanation? Read the text below.
Follow the below steps to start a chat with the saved contact.
From the dashboard, go to "Conversations".
To start a chat with this contact, select a pre-approved template that you would want to send to the contact, fill variables and click send.
If you want to send a message to a contact which is not yet saved on Gallabox, you can create a contact and then send a WhatsApp Template as a first Interaction.
Follow the GIF below:
When a customer sends you a message, you can instantly respond and engage in a chat conversation.
Click on to choose the contact you want to start the conversation with. Once you select the contact, the chat window will open.
If you individually want to send a text to a contact (while you are scrolling your contacts in Gallabox), you can send it by clicking on as shown in the GIF below: