Ask Keyword Option
Enhance user engagement with Ask Keyword Option Card. Craft personalized questions and dynamic options for a user-friendly experience.
Who can use this Card?
Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.
Available on all Paid Plans.
In WhatsApp, the options are displayed as a number list of choices, but now you can use multiple keywords for each option, aside from the numbers.
This way the valid answer to this question could be the corresponding number or one of the corresponding keywords.
In the Gallabox bot-builder, the Keyword Options looks just like a List Option, but when you start listing out the options, you'll be able to associate maximum of 10 keywords to each Option aside from the numbers (Which are provided by default as keywords).

The Ask Keyword Option Card has the field for Question Text, Options Type, Attempt, Validation Error Message, Action on Invalid Response, and Store response in the variable. Let's see what goes into creating the Keyword option by creating a self-service knowledge base bot.
Question Text
This is the space where you ask your customer the question or write the description like - "Which feature of Gallabox you need help with?" The possibilities are endless.
The above text can be made Bold, Italic, or strikethrough using the options provided. The text will add the asterisk(*) for Bold, Underscore(_) for Italic text, and Tilde(~) for Strikethrough as shown in the text below.

Options Type
For the options, Gallabox gives you the liberty of adding Static and Dynamic Options.
Static Options means the option will be fixed while the Dynamic options are capable of changing. If you have the dynamic values stored somewhere in your database, it can be accessed using API Call.
You can add a maximum of 20 Options.
Below is the example of how you can add the Static Options. With the option text, you can add upto 10 keywords.
Make sure to add the keywords that are relevant with your customers.

For the Dynamic Options in Ask List Option, we have three fields - Variable to iterate, Path to ID, and Path to Title.

Variable to iterate: You have to add the name of the array here.
Path to ID: Add the path from your internal database in curly brackets.
Path to Title: Add the title in curly brackets like this {{first_name}}.
In this field, you have to add the number of times you would like to ask the same question to your customers when you get some other response.

Validation Error Message
This message is for the customer's when they respond randomly to the question you have asked. For Example: If the customer doesn't respond with the options, then you could send a message - Please choose from the above options or Choose from the options listed.

Action on Invalid Response
This is for the Action you want to take when a customer gives an invalid response. You can either End the Flow or Skip the question or Proceed to Fallback to continue with the flow.

Store response in the variable
You can create or use the previously created variables to store the responses shared by your customers. If you are creating variables for the first time, all you have to do is type the Variables name in the box; it will ask to create the variable once you click on Create "Variable Name" as shown in the screenshot below.

Once you have set all the fields required and click on SAVE, the card will look like as shown in the screenshot below.

A sample flow using the Ask Keyword Option, Send Text, Delay, Jump to, and Unassign Conversation is as below:

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