Send Text
Easily send text messages to your customers with Send Text Card. Customize messages with variables, bold, italic, and strikethrough options. Duplicate or delete cards as needed.
Who can use this Card?
Gallabox Users having permission to either build and deploy bots or manage bots.
Available on all Paid Plans.
Send Text Card
Use this card when you don't require any input from the user.
Send Text Card allows you to send a text to your customers with just a couple of clicks.
To use Send Text Card, simply search as shown in the GIF and select Send Text.

Once you type the message, you will see options to customize the content:
Use Variables
Use them to add already collected data from your customers to the messages. E.g.: "How are you today, @name?" will display the customer's name at the end.
Just click on "Add Variables" to open up a dropdown with all the available fields. Just a quick tip – make sure the variable you choose actually has some data in it, or it won't show up as intended!

Select the text you want to bold and click on the "B" below the text area to make it bold. The text will be enclosed within two asterisk (*).

Select the text you want to make italic and click on the "I" below the text area to make it italic. The text will be enclosed within underscore (_).

Select the text you want to strikethrough and click on the "s" below the text area to make strikethrough. The text will be enclosed within Tilde (~).

Duplicate/Delete/Edit Send Text Card
When hovering over the card, you'll see the option to duplicate the card, to edit the block, and a "x" to delete the card.

This is how Send Card will work on WhatsApp

Last updated