Streamline payment processing with Stripe integration on Gallabox. Connect accounts, adjust settings, and optimize payment workflows for increased efficiency.
This guide outlines the steps to integrate Stripe into Gallabox, allowing for streamlined payment processing. It will walk you through linking your Gallabox accounts with Stripe, adjusting your settings, and refining your payment workflows to enhance efficiency.
Stripe Integration
Go to Integrations in the left navigation on your Gallabox account and Select Stripe Integration from the available applications.

Click on Connect and assign the name to this integration and click on Submit. It will ask you to Authorize Gallabox.

Select the Channel name (WhatsApp Number you would like to connect with Stripe) for which you would like to integrate Stripe.

To get the Stripe API Key, you have to go to your Stripe Dashboard. Click on Developers and scroll down to Restricted keys, select "+Create Restricted Key", and click on "Build your own integration" to create one.

Provide the permissions for the Restricted Key listed below:
Webhook Endpoints
After providing the permissions, select "Create Key" button at the bottom. Provide your Stripe account password for confirmation if prompted.

Make sure you have 2FA enabled for your account. If not, the key will not be created.
When the Key is created, click on Reveal test Key and select the key to copy.

Go to your Gallabox dashboard, and paste the key in the Stripe API Key placeholder and update configuration.

Your Integration is successful when you have been directed to Workflows for Stripe.
Last updated