Messaging Limits & Quality Ratings

Take your messaging to the next level on WhatsApp. Maintain a good quality rating and watch your business thrive.

It is essential to make sure your messages are top-notch and not overwhelming. This means being mindful of the number of messages you send and maintaining a good quality rating. Let's break down what this all means for your business.

What Are Messaging Limits?

Messaging limits are like rules that say how many people you can send messages to each day. The idea is not to flood everyone with messages. These limits do not apply to service conversations, and there are five in total.

  • Limited Access (Without Facebook Verification): You can chat with up to 250 people every day.

  • Tier 1 (After Facebook Verification): You get to talk to 1,000 people each day.

  • Tier 2: Now you can chat with 10,000 people daily.

  • Tier 3: This level lets you connect with 100,000 people every day.

  • Tier 4: No limits here – chat with as many people as you need.

If you are in the Limited Access and would like to increase the messaging limit to Tier 1 i.e. 1000, then get your Facebook Business verified.

To check your Account's Messaging Limit, go to WhatsApp Channel and you will see. Refer the GIF below.

Moving Up the Tiers

Each time you initiate a new conversation with a unique customer WhatsApp will determine if your limit should be increased. This determination is based on the following criteria:

  • your phone number status is Connected

  • your phone number quality rating is Medium or High

  • Display name is approved.

  • in the last 7 days you have initiated X or more conversations with unique customers, where X is your current messaging limit divided by 2.

If you meet all conditions, WhatsApp will increase your messaging limit by one level in 24 hours.

Increasing Messaging Limit from 250 to 1k

You can increase your daily WhatsApp messaging limit from 250 to 1,000 messages/day without Meta business verification.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Send messages to 1,000 unique contacts in a rolling 30-day period.

  • Maintain a high-quality rating of your sent messages.

Increasing Messaging Limit from 1k upwards

As your business grows and send more messages, you can move up to higher tiers. This happens automatically if you're doing a good job. If your current Limit is 1K (Tier 1), you must send messages to at least 500 unique users within the next 7 days to upgrade your Broadcast Limit & move to the next tier 10K (Tier 2).

Messaging limits are increased or decreased automatically based on your phone number status, phone number quality rating, and how often you initiate conversations with unique customers.

Increasing Messaging Limit to unlimited

If you reach your messaging limit (1K), you can commence additional conversations as soon as one or more ongoing conversations conclude. For instance:


  1. Messaging limit increased from 1,000 to 10,000 in 2 days:

If the 500th conversation is initiated at 3 pm, the messaging limit is increased at 3 pm the following day (i.e., 24 hours later).

  1. Messaging limit increased from 1,000 to 10,000 in 4 days:

If the 500th conversation is initiated at 7 pm, the messaging limit is increased at 7 pm the following day (i.e., 24 hours later).

Flagged Status

Whenever a new conversation with a unique customer is started, WhatsApp assesses your phone number's quality rating. If the rating has been flagged within the last 7 days, WhatsApp promptly reduces your messaging limit by one level.

In this scenario, you have to go back to a connected status and then try the upgrade process again.

Quality Ratings

Your quality rating is like a report card for your messages. It's based on how your messages are received by the people you're chatting with. So, if you're sending messages that people don't like and they block you or report you, your rating goes down. To keep it high, make sure your messages are helpful and not annoying.

To check your Account's Quality Rating, go to WhatsApp Channel and you will see. Refer the GIF below.

Maintain High Quality Rating

To keep your messaging in good health:

  1. Meta mandates businesses to obtain customer opt-in before initiating a conversation, feasible both on and off WhatsApp.

  2. Ensure that messages comply with the WhatsApp Business Policy and Commerce Policy. Limit messages to users who have expressly opted to receive communications from your business.

  3. Craft highly personalized and beneficial messages to users, avoiding generic and open-ended introductions.

  4. Exercise caution with message frequency, refraining from excessive daily communication, and optimize content and length for informational messages.

  5. Clearly convey the value of receiving important updates on WhatsApp and maintain personalization in messages.

  6. Explicitly specify the types of messages customers are opting into and honor their choices accordingly.

  7. Provide instructions for opting out of specific messages, incorporating features like a 'STOP' or 'UNSUBSCRIBE' button to facilitate user control over communications.

  8. Honor customer requests by preventing opted-out users from receiving messages, reducing the risk of customers blocking or reporting your business.

Meta actively monitors user sentiment and feedback, flagging phone numbers with low quality ratings over an extended period. Message templates resulting in a high rate of blocking or reporting may be paused until updated.

New Marketing Message Limitations in India

WhatsApp is introducing new measures in India to enhance user experiences and increase engagement with marketing template messages. These measures involve restricting the number of marketing template messages a user can receive from any business within a specific timeframe. This limit will initially affect a small number of marketing conversations that are less likely to engage users.

Importantly, this restriction only applies to marketing template messages that initiate a new conversation. Ongoing marketing conversations won't be impacted.

Should a marketing template message exceed this limit, resulting in non-delivery, the Cloud API will issue error code 131026, and the On-Premises API will return error code 1026. These error codes indicate possible non-delivery reasons, but for privacy purposes, specific details about the limit causing non-delivery won't be disclosed by META Team.

A strategy of delaying re-sending attempts in longer time intervals is recommended until successful delivery is achieved. This initiative reflects WhatsApp's commitment to improving both the business and customer experience on the platform, with ongoing refinements to these measures expected.

Last updated