Limited-Time Offer Templates
Limited-time offer templates allow you to display expiration dates and running countdown timers for offer codes in template messages, making it easy for you to communicate time-bound offers and drive customer engagement.

Only templates categorized as
are supported.Footer components are not supported.
Users who view a limited-time offer template message using that WhatsApp web app or desktop app will not see the offer, but will instead see a message indicating that they have received a message but that it's not supported in the client they are using.
Template Creation
Go to WhatsApp Templates under Settings in Gallabox left navigation. Click on "+Create New Template".

Provide the WhatsApp template name, choose the category as "Limited Time Offer", allow category change as "No", choose the WhatsApp Channel in Gallabox, and choose the language in which you want to send the WhatsApp Template.

Choose the header, mention the message you want to convey in Message Boday section, provide sample for the variables defined, and provide the content for footer (optional).

To configure Limited time option, provide a header and toggle on the expiration Date toggle.

For the Buttons - Copy Code and URL, add the text, coupon code, and the URL you would like to redirect the customers to.

Toggle on the link clicks to see the insights of how many people have clicked on the CTA. This is optional.

Once you have provided everything, submit the WhatsApp Template for Approval. It will take 24 hours for META to approve it.
Sending Coupon Templates
You can send the Coupon templates via Compose Box, Broadcast, Sequence, and Bots. When sending you can configure the Expiration Date as per your choice.
Last updated